Author: Kristin Annab

NETS Standards for Students

According to the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) website the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) for students were developed to help educators evaluate if their students had developed the essential skills and knowledge required...

Final Project Digital Portfolio

I chose to use my class blog as my “” project.  It was created in WordPress.  I chose this because it already had many of the things that were being asked for. It already had my...

My First Live Broadcast

Part 1: If you are interested in listening to my first live broadcast about how to plan a preschool graduation ceremony then log onto at 3:30 pm pacific standard time on June 14, 2014. ...

I Watched a Live Webinar

I watched a live web broadcast on   I watched a webinar entitled How to get the most out of the teacher learning community.  It was held on June 10 at 1:00 pm pacific...

Integrating Social Networking

Each year I taught first grade, I had my students start each week with a journal entry.  I would give them a topic to write about and they would write in their journals.  They had Mondays and Tuesdays...

The First Week of Summer

DAY 1: Monday, June 2, 2014 – the first day of summer vacation. Today, we traded in my loyal 2001, Ford Expedition for a beautiful Nissan Pathfinder.  We bought the Expedition when I was pregnant with...