Why I Chose My CC License

Creative Commons is an easy way for people to share content without fear of copyright infringement. I have chosen to select Attribution-Noncommercial-Sharealike 4.0 International for my Creative Commons license because I would like my work to be available to be shared.  If someone else can use my work as a way of benefiting others then I want it to be available for them.  My other option was to decide whether or not I wanted to allow my content to be used for commercial purposes.  I chose against this option. I do not want money to be made from my work for someone else’s financial gain.  If someone decides to use the content on my site, they should give appropriate credit to me by providing a link to my site.  If they make changes to my content for their own purposes, they should indicate if changes were made.  The creative commons system allows users to share original works in a manner that ensures the integrity of the content and the rights of the individual, while serving to promote and enhance a collaborative, creative, and engaging community.

creative commons logo

Kristin Annab

Welcome to my blog! I am a passionate educator who loves teaching children the joy of learning. While working toward my degree in education, I worked as a preschool teacher, where I learned the importance of patience and caring when teaching children. Once I graduated with a degree in special ed, I then continued my career in education working as a 1st grade teacher for 12 years. Most recently I returned to the early childhood education realm, as director of a preschool and infant center. Now, my journey has led me back to the first grade classroom. In preparation, I am working on receiving my master's degree in education.

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